It is impossible to live fulfilled lives without our parents. Family has always been the basis of society. Family unity is what helps people grow both as individuals and as members of society. However, today—in the more individualistic society we live in—it seems that the role of the family is changing. The Rotary Club of Historic Filipinotown and Reiyukai America are pleased to invite teens and young adults living in Los Angeles County to participate in the 2020 Letter to My ParentsTM Contest in Los Angeles with a vision and a strong wish to maintain a healthy family relationship or to make improvements within the parent-child relationship.
To participate, a contestant must write a letter dedi-cated to his/ her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and submit it to the Organizing Committee. There is no entry fee for this event. The submitted letters will go through several selection processes in order to be accepted for the final presentation. The letters that qualify for the final stage will be read by the original writers in front of the judges who will select the three winners based on following categories: Proposal, Reflection, and Bravery.
Ten winners will be receiving the following prizes.
- A $50 Gift Certificate.
- An opportunity to be published in digital and print format.
- A certificate of participation
- a year-long test prep course subscription courtesy of BenchPrep.
Among the ten winners, the judges will select three award recipients based on three categories mentioned above during the final presentation. Each of the award recipients will receive a prize of $500.00
Participants will be individuals between the ages of 15 to 20 residing in the County of Los Angeles.
Be aware that participants 17 years old or under must submit a Parental/Guardian Consent Form giving them permission to participate in the contest
The submitted letter must be written with the positive intentions of maintaining a healthy family relationship or to improve the current family situation.
5.1 Guiding Questions
A contestant is requested to submit her/his work illustrated with concrete examples from his/her personal family life—reflecting the family relationships and interactions.
The participant may use one or more of the suggested guiding questions to write the letter:
- How have my parent’s experiences and influence affect or shape the person I am today?
- What my parent(s) means to me?
- What are my thoughts about how we are as a family?
- What would I like to do for my parent(s)?
- How I can improve relationships in my family?
5.2 Structure
The submitted letter must:
- include the name(s) to whom it is addressed.
- narrate one or more significant family experiences.
- include a proposal - either implicit or explicit
- include a proposal — either implicit or explicit, suggesting how to improve or maintain a positive relationship in the family. A proposal can be considered as the new family tradition that a contestant would like to bring to the family.
5.3 Language
The participant may choose one or combine languages that are used in the County of Los Angeles.
If any other language besides English is used, the participant is responsible for providing the English translation.
5.4 Format
Each work submitted must not exceed more than 1000 words. If the work is submitted via email, they must meet the MLA writing format.
5.5 Content
Each participant must submit a letter that is clear, honest, sincere, completely written in one's own words, and based on his/her personal experiences. Letters based on fictitious events or happenings will not be accepted.
The participants may submit their work either at our website or via email.
6.1 Online
Log on to the following website and click on the Los Angeles contest logo!
6.2 E-Mail
Send your email including the following:
- Original Letter (Preferably in Microsoft Word docx format)
- Scanned Copy of official US identification (e.g. driver license, school ID, or passport) DO NOT SEND A SELFIE
- If you are 17 years old and under, do not forget to include Parental/Guardian Consent Form signed by your parent/guardian.
Registration Form and Parental Consent Form are downloadable from the website or you can request it via email.
Email: info@lettertomyparents.com
7.1 First Stage
Participants will be allowed to submit their work starting on February 12, 2020
Participants will have until March 13, 2020 to submit their letters.
7.2 Semifinal Stage
The submitted letters will pass through an elimination process by which the ten letters that best reflects on the guiding questions will be during March 2020.
The contestants who made through the final stage will be contacted by the Organizing Committee via email or phone.
7.3 Final Stage
The finalists will be reading aloud the letters they submitted without altering or modifying the content at the Final Presentation. The final presentation is scheduled to be held on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at the Silver Lake Medical Center, 1711 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Please note the date and the venue may be subject to change. (Please note above schedules may change without prior notice.)
If the letter was not written in English, there will be simultaneous translations during the reading.
The judges will then determine the award recipients. The judges will consist of people recognized for their moral and intellectual reliability. The judges will be chosen by the Organizing Committee. Their decisions will not be appealable.
By participating at the contest, each contestant will understand and agree to the following Terms and Conditions.
- Each contestant must follow the guidelines.
- Submitted letter is their own work and no part of the letter was taken from an outside source unless stated.
- Submitted letter will not be returned and will be property of the Letter to My Parents ContestTM Organizing Committee, in which the letter may have the possibility being published in newspapers, web pages, electronic mails, magazines, as well as being presented/displayed in radio programs, television and in future events possibly organized by any of the Organizing Committee member.
- Contestants from previous years may participate by submitting a different letter.
- The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for any family issue that may arise due to the content of the letters.
- As a co-organized community project, each contestant understands that the Letter to My Parents ContestTM in Los Angeles included the Rotary Club the Four Way Test, which are:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
For any questions regarding the contest, contact through the following:
Phone: (626) 356-8055 (Look for Toshiro)
Email: info@lettertomyparents.com
Any unseen issue will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.
The Rotary Club of Historic Filipinotown